Chrysler is just feckless.  The sooner it dies the better.

They've been bailed out before.  But I think you're mostly right.

There are US manufacturers that are still alive and are doing
things right.  Unfortunately too few.

You don't see them in the news because they aren't in trouble.

I happen to know bicycles and audio.  US (all onshore) companies
like Waterford and Magnepan are more than world class.  Yes
they are small but they are making product that is universally
desired at competitive prices.

In other words they can sell everything they make, ship product
that is worth paying a premium to get outside of the US, and run
businesses that stay in the black for decades, many decades.

Well respected US product.  That people in Australia, Europe
and Japan are willing to pay top dollar for.  Our manufacturers
ARE capable of doing this.

These brands (that you may never have heard of, OK) can do
it.  They don't have a lot of people, capitalization, etc.  But they
get the job done.

Nobody disputes that well made US products aren't world class, but we are not going to get out of this mess by supporting
companies that make bad decisions.

I'm not inclined to reward bad behavior.

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