> One of the points made in the article is exactly that: extreme
> arrogance
> on the part of MS makes them believe they can shovel out crap like
> Vista
> and minipulate Win7 feature sets and people will still pay and pay and
> pay. That has proven to be wrong.

I always find accusations of arrogance from Apple fanbois to be just so darn
cute.  "Awwww look, they don't even know they're being ironic."

And if what you say is true, the market will respond accordingly and punish
MS.  Isn't that what you want?  Heck, Apple may even break the 5% market
share mark.
> Your non-response fairly confirms the article's premise. Thank you.

My response was that the article was fundamentally flawed from the start and
little more that an exercise in sophistry.

Did I sugar-coat it too much for you to pick up on that?

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