...but, apple could make some inroads in the market by showing their osX
works better'n windows on those things ...especially if it does so on the
devices with no HDD, only flash ...I have a winCE machine (NEC MobilePro770)
and it is such a nicely designed device but slow as a rat with that micro
sized windows bloatware ...too bad cuz the thing would be great if there
were better stuff to run it with ...so it goes in the obamarama!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Piwowar [mailto:t...@tjpa.com] 
Sent: Sunday, March 01, 2009 7:55 PM
To: rleesimon
Subject: RE: Will Greed Kill Windows 7?

>I saw, was it here, some guy bought one of these netbooks and put osX
>on it ...is that where we will wind up?

I expect that at least some at Apple will be in a panic over it. I would 
not be surprised if Apple lashes out in some nasty way. Apple has to 
protect its hardware sales and this kills hardware sales. I do not think 
that Apple will start selling hardware in this category. It is too cheap 
and not profitable enough. It will be interesting to see how they get 
themselves out of this pickle.

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