um..yeah there isn't anything wrong with vista except those that continue to
talk about it as if it's two years ago.  If you can only talk about vista in
the past tense, try that with os x, remember how bad that was when it first
shipped?  OS X must still be bad under your pretzel logic.

You are beginning to sound like the dark lord of the sith-mac...'their
weakness is their arrogance!'

On Sun, Mar 1, 2009 at 4:53 PM, Tom Piwowar <> wrote:

> >OK, I'll bite.  I only need the title... MS doesn't need saving (yet).
> All that proves is that you are still wearing your MS goggles.
> One of the points made in the article is exactly that: extreme arrogance
> on the part of MS makes them believe they can shovel out crap like Vista
> and minipulate Win7 feature sets and people will still pay and pay and
> pay. That has proven to be wrong.
> Your non-response fairly confirms the article's premise. Thank you.
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