I buy Seagate drives--their top ones; haven't been disappointed. Our PM 6100 ca. 1994 has one in it that sounds like an airplane warming up, but still works after 14 years--lasted longer than most dogs. However, I'm considering a Hitachi 500GB for my MacBook. I've only had one other Hitachi drive before, and it was good. Don't know about their advance RMA. Do you really want a drive that the mfg expects you to need RMA? Maybe I'll get a Seagate, Samsung, or Toshiba drive instead.

I don't care who makes Sony drives. Sony is a primarily a marketing and distribution company. If Lite-on makes their drives and they're OK, buy Lite-on. Don't get Sony. You'll regret it. Better, get a Pioneer. My Sony monitor is flickering right now--ouch. I don't hate my Sony-Ericsson phone yet because the Ericsson part works OK [battery sucks]; good thing it was free from my son, and he didn't have to pay back the contract $ when he got his iPhone only 7 months into his contract.

Good info Betty, thanks.  It's hard to keep track of who is actually making
hardware these days and I'll be the first to admit my bad feelings about
hitachi are not founded in any real facts.  To be honest I'm not worried
about recovery as 1 of these drives is the main and the other a mirror,
which is why I'll be getting two of them.

One other question since it looks like I'll be heading towards hitachi, how
is their advance RMA?  I've found WD's to be fairly straightforward and
fast, hitachi good as well in case I do get a bad drive?  I've got one year
instant exchange with the wholesaler I'm buying from but after that I'll be
dealing with hitachi.

Does sony still make the drives in their dvdrw's?  I'd heard many of them
were liteons?

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