Not exactly.

1.5 TB drives are starting to really make a push and I have seen prices dropping on 1 TB drives.

I have seen 500GB laptop drives really coming on presently. My wife's new laptop came with a 250 GB while mine came with a 120 GB (Year difference)

Looked at upgrading mine and the 250's are selling for what 80's did about a year ago. (SATA)

our ability to stuff more onto the same format is getting better as technology comes on.

64GB SSD have started to make some inroads. However they are still much more expensive than spinning platter technology. That is why Netbooks are a little more expensive with SSD than spinning platter technology.

In reading the article on the ATOM chips, am I reading them correctly in that the wireless technology and memory is part of the processor?

Sounds like Intel might be a part of a really powerful and advanced smartphone in the future if marketed. (Which I think still use ARM technology)


At 09:53 PM 3/2/2009, you wrote:
As far as hard drives this is true.  Fujitsu and Maxtor were well
considered  back in the day and Seagate was vilified, but Seagate
has gotten a lot better and has an excellent warranty.

I know Western Digital gets good marks but I believe Seagate's
warranty is better.

All of it is made in China or Indonesia.  It is a commodity product.

That doesn't make it bad, it's more about what is quietest and
what has the better warranty.

I've had good luck with Seagates.  I haven't run any terabyte
drives but I would suspect that right now that's pushing the
envelope no matter who makes it.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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