> We had the seniority to tell the administrator what his priorities were;
> we defined his job and had him document any new processes we hadn't
> already documented as we set things up.
>> If I had a quarter for every question that I answered with "Did you
> read the email I sent out about this yesterday/last week?", I could
> retire early.
> We might have retired you early if you came to us as an administrator
> with that attitude, and you'd be looking for those quarters still.

I suspect you work in a very different environment than I do.
Fortunately, I work for more level-headed people who expect me to
understand their business and provide the business tools needed, while
protecting business assets from the users' whims.

This place was self-administered when I got here and was a raging
mess.  I was brought in to bring order to their chaos.

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