> Xbox lost out to Wii.

Well, now this is a really interesting conclusion.

We (wii?) have both, and there is no comparison. Except for the wiimotes,
which really are pretty cool, Xbox is superior in *every* respect. As in
blows it away. Side-by-side with the Xbox's HD graphics, the Wii looks like
a Commodore 64. The gameplay is smoother and more responsive, and there's no
comparison in the sound.

This is not me, certified MS lapdog, speaking; it's my kids, who could care
less about who made the boxes. The Wii sits untouched. I don't even know if
it still works; nobody cares.

You certainly can't be talking about features/specs, because, if you were,
I'd have to assume that you have no idea WTF you're talking about. Full
details at http://tinyurl.com/23okra, but here are a few goodies (and
believe me, this is just the tip of the iceberg):

                 Xbox                 Wii
                 ----                 ---
CPU              3.2 GHz PowerPC w/3  729MHz IBM Broadway
                 dual-threaded cores  
Clock            500Mhz               243Mhz
System RAM       512MB                64MB
Video RAM        512MB                24MB
Best video res   1080p                480p
Video bandwidth  21.6 GB/sec          3.9 GB/sec 
HDMI             Yep                  Nope (obviously)
Storage          Up to 120GB HD       512MB flash
Digital audio    Dolby 5.1            Nope
Plays DVDs       Yep                  Nope

Well, you get the idea. So, the only way you could *possibly* say that Xbox
"lost out" to Wii is in terms of sales. Wii does sell more. Of course, it is

So, let's summarize. Two companies produce machines with the same basic
function. One box has superior specs, better reviews, and higher customer
satisfaction ratings. The other one is cheaper and sells more. Which machine
does Tom think is the winner? Hey, it's the one that sells more!


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