Quoting "phartz...@gmail.com" <phartz...@gmail.com>:

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 11:45 AM, Reid Katan <ka...@his.com> wrote:

I think they secretly like the unwashed masses using their OS.

  Sure.  The guy who demos and explains how the Mac OS was installed
on the Dell says, quite pointedly, that once you have used the Mac OS
you will not want to go back to using anything else.

I suspect that would be so. But then again, if they've gone through the trouble of installing OSX on a Dell, then they probably wanted it in the first place. Either they're trying to go *to* OSX or *away* from Wind(ows, oze, blows. Take your pick). Either way, they're motivated to keep it.

  I'd propose that were Macintosh machines priced closer to the level
of the average Windows machine, with the exception of most of the
business and government world, that business suit class of workers,
Macs and the Mac OS would pretty much take over for all other uses.

I don't know that it would "take over", but I'm pretty sure they'd wind up with a healthy market share. Maybe then the virus writer could stop picking on
M(S, $, take your pick). (-:

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