I hate looking like the person who has to have the last word
on the subject, but I followed your suggestion that I read the
entire thread in order, and I'd like to say what I found.

This started with a discussion about whether it should be a list
rule that we not write M$ for MS or Windoze for Windows.  You
replied casually that someone once misquoted you using "M$"
 for "MS".  Tom appears to have misread your post as continuing
the censorship discussion, because he responded to your
post giving the censorship idea all the mockery that it deserves.
In turn, you apparently did not see that Tom had done this,
and you reacted by putting words into Tom's mouth and accusing
him of believing something he obviously doesn't.  You say
that you wanted an apology from Tom, but at this point
how could you think you deserve one, if you have parried
his supposed offense with the same behavior?  How about after
you do it 4 or 5 more times with increasing stridency? It was
only then, after all this baiting, that Tom unleashed his comments
about "your handlers"/"pull your card"/"MS minders" which
continued the escalation.  That is a fairly restrained response for
anyone on this list.

As for Tom implying that you made the whole thing up, tempers
were high all around at this point, but he did not insinuate this
until after you first wouldn't help him find the post because you
had to do your taxes and he tried and failed to find it on his own
because he didn't look in the really old archives.

And so forth.

Rather than anyone demanding an apology, I propose we all
apologize.  Tom can apologize for using your post to reply to
a previous discussion (whether he did it intentionally or not),
you can apologize for overreacting to what you thought Tom
intended, and I'll apologize for . . . uh, whatever it was that I
did wrong. Actually, I'm sorry for my part in escalating
the flame war, for making too much fun of those 2005 posts, etc.


From:    Chris Dunford <ch...@covesoftware.com>

You feign outrage (or perhaps you really are outraged)
that Tom can't find the post on the basis of the scanty
evidence you provide, and you provide better directions
and demand an apology from Tom.  It is that crazy post
that I responded to, not your "rather mild comment" at
the beginning.

I asked Tom to apologize because he first chastised me, in a very snarky
message, for saying something that I didn't say and then very clearly
implied, in full view of anyone in the world with a computer, that I made the whole thing up. Was I pissed off? Oh, yes. You bet I was. You wouldn't

He has now been proved wrong. A one-word post would have sufficed: "Sorry." Unfortunately, he won't even own up to what he did, much less say that. I
think this speaks volumes.

But I'm done with this. I now know who's the kid with purple lips who swears he never touched the grape juice. I'd rather be the "certain [person]" with
the "crazy posts" than that kid.

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