Actually, it's pretty amusing.
And the indignant outrage is hilarious.

And by the way: Windows?......... clean install?........they should not be in the same paragraph.

mike wrote:
Vile?  Really?  Is that like you calling someone a thief or someone else a
gaybasher?  Grow up, Tom.  Your constant name calling is what is vile on
this list.  Why the whole list puts up with your abuse I have no idea.  I'm
wondering why I do myself.

On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 4:27 PM, Tom Piwowar <> wrote:

Whether or not Vista is buggy isn't relevant.
Finally the truth comes out.

All that is relevant is that M$ will be missing out on some much-needed
revenue if you don't run out immediately and buy. It is very wrong that
you want to deny M$ its due. Your are obviously being an uncooperative,
vile person.

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