It is required to open a bank account as they have to check with a clearing house to see if you are safe.

To get a job they must check your immigration status (I-9) and possibly if you are foreign sounding run your SS number to see if you are eligible for employment.

There are SS #s that state not eligible for employment.

My wife is an Alien (Canadian) and has a SS card. She is eligible for employment.

She must show her alien card when she is hired and fills out an I-9 form.

The SS# has taken on a very big significance in the life of a person who lives and works in the USA.

By the way in Canada it is called the SIN number.  (Social Insurance Number)


At 12:25 PM 6/22/2009, you wrote:
They can't require it, but they can sure turn you down if you refuse. Any bank would laugh you out of the office if you refused to put your SSN on a loan application, since you can't get a credit
report without the SSN. Same thing with Sprint, really.

Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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