Same here.

However I knew in the military it was our ID#. It was required when you wrote a check at the PX or the comisary.

When you got food the sign in sheet asked for your last 4.

When you fill out a credit app. your SS# has to be on it.

It has become a defacto federal ID card.

In some foreign countries they issue ID cards. The US has never had a universally recognized ID card.

I mentioned that up in Canada they issue everyone a SIN card which is similar to our SS#. However It is not used the same (I do not think as an ID) But the funny part is, it is issued on a hard plastic card. While our SS cards are flimsy paper.


At 08:02 AM 6/23/2009, you wrote:
I agree it has become an ID number. I always have laughed, though, because when I was younger the Social Security card used to state on it that it was NOT to be used as an ID.


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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