Reverend,  I understand the Social Security Number's role in employment
and taxes (the real reason banks started requiring it years ago).  

However, I cannot understand why people kowtow to consumer products
companies to initiate service contract and to buy things such as a cell
phone.  That is going well beyond the purpose.  

Would you give M$ or Apple your Social Security Number to buy a computer
and a service contract?  I see this as propelling identity theft,
because I don't trust the companies to keep the information secure, or
not using it themselves in some quasi-legal way to mine customer

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-----Original Message-----
It is required to open a bank account as they have to check with a
clearing house to see if you are safe.

To get a job they must check your immigration status (I-9) and possibly
if you are foreign sounding run your SS number to see if you are
eligible for employment.

There are SS #s that state not eligible for employment.

My wife is an Alien (Canadian) and has a SS card.  She is eligible for

She must show her alien card when she is hired and fills out an I-9

The SS# has taken on a very big significance in the life of a person who
lives and works in the USA.

By the way in Canada it is called the SIN number.  (Social Insurance

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