I heard recently that the UK is banning certain drugs.  In an environment
such as that, who will create the wonder drugs of the future?

On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 8:09 AM, TPiwowar <t...@tjpa.com> wrote:

> On Jul 26, 2009, at 11:34 PM, Fred Holmes wrote:
>> Absolutely wrong.  There must always be choices.  The customer must always
>> have somewhere else to go when the service he is currently receiving is
>> unsatisfactory.  Single payer is tyranny.
> Single-payer systems typically include the opportunity for paying for care
> privately. Single-payer does not mean single provider. Why do the
> cons/neocons keep dragging in irrelevant boogeymen? It does not help the
> discussion.
> When I broke my eyeglasses in London, even though I was an American, I was
> offered "National Health" glasses or I could get a swanky pair. I had the
> means to get a swanky pair so I did. I was also grateful to have the choice
> of a pair for almost nothing should I have been in poorer financial
> circumstances.
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