The debate is, as usual, between those who do (at least a little) research
to discern the facts and those who determine the situation without having
any basis. That is the problem with American politics today.
We need not even use any other example than our own country to determine
health care can be improved in America. That removes the differences
between attitudes, incompetencies, and mores from the equation.
Some of us are old enough to have fought the battle in 1976 to have the
costs of dialysis treatment covered in the US. (Some of you may even recall
the famous Life article depicting the life and death committees that
determined who were entitled and who were refused the treatment.) The same
BS complaints existed (from the same political spectrum). Yes, there is a
problem- it only covers one disease. Yes, there is a problem, our
government is so panicked that the practitioners will steal from the system
that they spend almost $ 1 in "oversight" for every $ 1 in benefit. (THAT
REFORM!!!!!). Yet, in some 30+ years, we have been able to treat Americans
to about the best dialysis care found anywhere. And, it is a single payer-
Medicare (once you have been on dialysis for about 9 months or so, no
private health insurance is involved). And, it is multi-provider.
Please study facts- not half-hearted (or fully bloviated) opinion pieces
that have no clue how/why/where health care operates - here or elsewhere.
Eschew Obfuscation
This is a reply from:
Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.
Financial, Managerial, and Technical Services
for the Professional, Non-Profit, and the Entrepreneurial Organization
703.548.1343 voice
703.783.1340 fax
From thinking to doing, from sales to profits, from tax to investments- we
are YOUR adjuvancy
-----Original Message-----
From: Computer Guys Discussion List [mailto:]
On Behalf Of TPiwowar
Sent: 07/28/2009 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Healthcare
On Jul 26, 2009, at 11:34 PM, Fred Holmes wrote:
Absolutely wrong. There must always be choices. The customer must
always have somewhere else to go when the service he is currently
receiving is unsatisfactory. Single payer is tyranny.
Single-payer systems typically include the opportunity for paying for
care privately. Single-payer does not mean single provider. Why do
the cons/neocons keep dragging in irrelevant boogeymen? It does not
help the discussion.
When I broke my eyeglasses in London, even though I was an American,
I was offered "National Health" glasses or I could get a swanky pair.
I had the means to get a swanky pair so I did. I was also grateful to
have the choice of a pair for almost nothing should I have been in
poorer financial circumstances.
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