At 10:35 AM -0400 7/29/09, Jeff Wright wrote:

 As a retiree, why should I be
 forced to "upgrade" from XP to Win7, especially if it means replacing
 some/all of my machines (that now work just fine) with brand news ones at
 considerable expense and time, plus the hassle of moving files over, buying
 upgrades to existing applications (if they are even available), replacing
 hardware that may not have new drivers, etc?

Who is forcing you to upgrade?

The only reason to upgrade either Mac or Windows is if an application you need to run, or some hardware you need to use is not supported on the old operating system. Most of my upgrades, on both Mac and Windows, have been when I bought new machines that came pre-loaded with the latest OS. My wife's PC went from Windows 95 (!) to XP when we replaced the machine. My iBook -> MacBook replacement took me from Panther (10.4) to Leopard (10.5).
Lovettsville, VA

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