If you're actually asking, and not just ranting, I'll answer.

The biggest changes are important primarily for internet users, and
have to do with security. In WinXP and before, your account has full
administrative privileges, meaning so do any attackers. This has been
corrected in Vista and Win7. You _can_ run with lower privs in WinXP,
but it's not easy.

The newer video codecs being used on the web may require a better
video card, but should still work fine in XP. No games are yet slated
to require anything but XP.

Nobody's forcing you to do anything now. But when you do get a new
computer, you don't want one with an outdated OS on it.

On Wed, Jul 29, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Mike Sloane<mikeslo...@verizon.net> wrote:
> As the owner/user of half a dozen networked XP machines that date back quite
> a few years and have half to one meg of ram and under 2 MHz processors, I
> have to ask myself what advantage there is of Win7 over XP. I am not a gamer
> or need to deal with video files; I don't watch TV on my PC (or even on the
> TV for that matter), and my main use for the computers is Email, Web
> surfing, some light document preparation and reading, as well as the
> handling of images from my digital camera. As a retiree, why should I be
> forced to "upgrade" from XP to Win7

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