No, but a comment in general. We got a wireless mouse/keyboard combo
once a couple years back. Turns out it's not nearly as useful as it
seems at first.

Tony is correct.

Connection tends to wander off and on at times too. Not so good for games.

I think it depends what you want to do with it in your lap. I just use Command-+ to enlarge the font if I have trouble reading it. ANd since I'm not a gamer, that's not an issue. Besides, if you need to use it for gaming, just sit it on the desk. My DiNovo Edge has been very reliable and I don't loose the signal. It is Bluetooth, however,so you do need that on your machine.

Paula Minor
"Even I felt sorry for Richard Nixon when he left; there's nothing you can do about being born liberal — fish gotta swim and hearts gotta bleed. The late Molly Ivins

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