Maybe I'm just misunderstanding, but I think you're wrong here. In the old
days disk imaging may have done bit for bit clones, but these days they use
compression, and they ignore empty spaces on the disk. So they have no
trouble copying a partition to a different size disk. i.e., Last week I
'restored' my Vista 50gb partition to a brand new 75gb partition. It does
not look like a 50gb partition to the OS.

On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 2:24 PM, TPiwowar <> wrote:

> Making a bit-for-bit copy is going to give you an exact replica. If
> somebody has messed with track zero the copied drive will have the exact
> same modification. A bit-for-bit copy of a 100GB drive onto a 500GB platter
> will still look like a 100GB drive. To get the "lost" 400GB you will need to
> go back and mess with the drive some more or use a different copy method.

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