> Time for a REAL reality check. Apple has rejected many apps that it
> later accepted. They're not lying. They're being cautious. Apple
> developers prefer to delay a questionable app until it will work nicely
> with other apps and the OS. Google Voice does neither. They'll work it
> out like they've done before.

Well, there's a well-known and very good tech site with serious inside 
connections in the industry and then there's...your opinion.  Call me crazy for 
not taking you as seriously.

Apple's criteria for accepting apps isn’t what you would call organized.  Or 
predictable.  Or comprehensible.

When I did work for Apple, they were very secretive, very careful, fairly organized. With many projects in R&D at the same time, most of the research groups were kept in the dark about each others projects. When the projects became viable, they were tested and retested, many of them scrapped rather releasing them if the product wasn't up to par.

With software, Apple is very clear about what is supported and not supported. They want everything to work seamlessly, and provide all the APIs for the developers to get their apps right, then have them tested repeatedly [unlike Microsoft which doesn't release all APIs to third party developers].

I have at least as much experience with Apple products as your so-called tech site. There are NO real inside connections with Apple, except where Apple allows. As soon as there are leaks, the leaker[s] is/are fired. Industrial espionage is serious business. I still have a cousin who works for Apple as an engineer. They're as secretive about their projects as the NSA.

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