So far I have resisted getting a cell phone for myself. Wife & daughters insist on having one, so that I am paying about $150/month for same. Don't want to add on to my plan since it requires another 2-year contract, plus wifey will be constantly calling me for help, for chitchat, and for no reason other than she's bored. (I don't like to talk on any telephone since meaning of words is ambiguous without visual communication.)

Heard about prepaid cell phones on this Listserv, asking for recommendations.

What I want cell phone for: for travel emergency and, possibly, for travel advice from friends while traveling
Estimated monthly useage:  <10 minutes/month
What I would use:  voice telephony
What I wouldn't use: text or picture messaging, web browsing, picture taking, anything else.
What I don't want:  people text messaging me, or calling me to chitchat.
What's not important: overseas calling, or long distance except during travel emergency
My location:  Northern Virginia and DC.

Question: is a prepaid cell phone cost effective for me? Cheaper than adding onto a family plan? What prepaid plan is recommended?

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