Ihave always been interested in health care as an MD and of course as a 
patient. I am very surprised that this great Country will not adopt a Single 
Payer, Medicare for all. But Americans will alwways do the right thing, after 
trying everything else. We will get there.


-----Original Message-----
>From: Jeff Wright <jswri...@gmail.com>
>Sent: Sep 5, 2009 8:43 PM
>Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Intensive Care Unit...
>> > Don't bother arguing with this bunch. What they have inflicted on this
>> > List in recent months is much like what the USA has had inflicted on it
>> > in recent weeks of wild attacks against rational health care. I don't
>> > know if you have been following any of this from afar, doctor, but it
>> > has been crazy. No rationality, just insults. Very sad. 
>I agree.  I know that expect much better from our elected representatives
>and their lapdogs in the press.
>It's sad that a country that once prided itself on free expression has
>rulers and elites who can only look down their noses and spew slurs those
>that choose to speak their minds.  Dissent is now treated as treason.
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