Very true.  Both sides have their agitators.

I do think it's insane that some representatives have refused to give any
time to their constituents when that is the very reason they have a month
off.  What are we paying them for if they spend this month only with paying
business leaders and not the ones who voted them in.  Tom posted that link
to Frank asking what planet a questioner was from and while I think Frank is
a first class boob, I give him credit for having the meeting when many of
his colleagues have hidden under their desks.

On Sun, Sep 6, 2009 at 9:35 AM, Chris Dunford <> wrote:

> > Yeah we got SEIU members shouting down and pushing people around so they
> > can't practice their constitutional free speech, so why should they be
> aloud
> > to carry any guns and practice that right either?  Go Go Government!
> No comment on the right-wing shouters at the town halls preventing others
> from exercising THEIR right to free speech?
> No one is blameless here, and the sooner we all stop pointing out the other
> side's bad behavior while ignoring our side's bad behavior, the sooner we
> can get to fixing what's wrong.
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