And vice versa. The USPS uses FedEx and UPS to bulk ship US Mail via their planes and trucks to other USPS facilities for mailbox delivery. This has nothing to do with "public option". It is called subcontracting.

This two way subcontracting already exists in health insurance. Medicare subcontracts administration to private companies. Mine is CMS. Large corporations do the reverse. They self-insure (assume the risk, set the policies) and contract health insurers strictly to administer their programs (health insurers have no gains or losses from the totality of employee claims).

b_s-wilk wrote:
FedEx and UPS have been using the US Postal Service for final delivery of many of their packages. This is private carriers using the _public option_ to save money.

They ship long distance on their planes or trucks to the local or regional post office. Then the postal carriers deliver packages to the final destinations--residential or business. Works for the private companies and the P.O., and keeps the delivery prices lower when the vendors are honest about the S&H charges.

I believe by law that the USPS is required to deliver mail to any residence or business no matter where they are located within the US and it's territories.

I know of no other country where the mail service is run by private contractors?

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