Ok, and you have a problem with this why? Do you really hate the poor that much? I was mostly talking about the option everyone seems to be against. I know I hate it when I'm given options, don't you? As for paying for others health care, I really don't mind. We all end up paying for others sooner or later. If you keep them healthy, and get health costs under control, it'll more then likely be later then sooner. In other words, keep them working. Or at least able to work.

Jeff Miles

Join my Mafia

On Sep 6, 2009, at 9:33 PM, Jeff Wright wrote:

No, you don't. The single payer plan, which is an option. No where
have I seen it written or said by it's proponents that it would be
required of everyone.

Jeff, that IS the single defining component of single payer. NO ONE else is paying other than the guvmint, which is kinda the point of *single* payer.

Here, let me google that for you.

"Single-payer health care insurance is a public service financing the
delivery of near-universal or universal health care to a given population as
defined by age, citizenship, residency, or any other demographic.

Single-payer health insurance operates by arranging the payment of services to doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers from a single source
established and managed by government"


First hit, for 'single payer.'

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