Most of my colleagues bitch about our medical plans but we have no say and no choice in what we get.

I have lived under the Canadian Medical plan that is why I know what I do about it. Also my in-laws live up there.

My mother-in-law cannot understand why we have to pay so much and put up with what we do with our "superior" medical care here in the US.

My mother experienced the French medical system this Summer. Except for not being able to communicate with much of the staff. (My mom is bi-lingual, English-German and they would not speak either language) Her one week stay, surgery on two broken femurs, ICU etc. cost a total of 8500 Euros (about 11K US) imagine that bill if this had happened in the US. (It would have been in the neighborhood of 30-40K)

American do not like our medical insurance system but like our medical care. If the Doctors and Hospitals changed their tunes and made medical care consumer friendly instead of pocket book friendly it would change a lot of perceptions. Same with Insurance.

Until Insurance carriers decide to offer a quality product with a quality price and eschew lining their pockets it will not change.

The whole of medicine from Doctors to Hospitals to Insurance is all about money.

The link I sent earlier showed how prices were lowered when Doctors changed their care model from one of making money to offering a quality product.

This is but one answer to the whole problem.


At 08:53 PM 9/7/2009, you wrote:
  They may be happy with their health care, but they are not happy
with the cost or the aggravation.  Also, and in reality, what do U.S.
citizens really know about health care elsewhere?  Isn't it almost
purely anecdotal, or derived from corporate hype?  I seem to
understand that Americans, as a whole, actually understand almost
nothing about the rest of the world.  With that in mind, why is it
assumed that we know so much about health care in other countries as
to be able to so easily to come to the conclusion that ours is so


Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
Prince of Peace
Ozark, AL  SL 82

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