2009/9/7 Jeff Morris <jmor...@clarkswb.net>:

> For you to say that the health care in Cuba is better than the United States 
> may be the dumbest statement I have ever heard.

  Thank you for the compliment.

> Given the choice...you mean to tell me that you would fly to Cuba to have 
> open heart surgery instead of having it done by a specialist here?

  What?  I am free now to travel to Cuba?  Who do I thank for that?  Obama?

> You answered no...I'm certain...which means then, that health care is NOT 
> better in Cuba.

  I said that health care, OVERALL, not in regard to some highly
specialized areas, is better in Cuba.  Any reputable statistical
analysis you can find will say the same.  The list's resident MD says
so as well.

> You are free to move to Cuba, collect your $3 a month wage and enjoy that 
> health care.

  Travel restrictions have been lifted?

> Do not confuse health care costs with health care.  There is a world of 
> difference between the two.  Socializing our health care system will not only 
> hurt our economy...but it will ruin medicine in the United States.

  How do you know that?  Did Rush tell you?  Glenn Beck?  Michelle Bachman?

> You can do some things to fix the cost...without changing the entire system.

  Who wants to change the entire system?

> 85% of the population is perfectly happy with their health care.

  They may be happy with their health care, but they are not happy
with the cost or the aggravation.  Also, and in reality, what do U.S.
citizens really know about health care elsewhere?  Isn't it almost
purely anecdotal, or derived from corporate hype?  I seem to
understand that Americans, as a whole, actually understand almost
nothing about the rest of the world.  With that in mind, why is it
assumed that we know so much about health care in other countries as
to be able to so easily to come to the conclusion that ours is so


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