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-----Original Message-----
From: Computer Guys Discussion List []
On Behalf Of Constance Warner
Sent: 09/23/2009 12:33 PM
Subject: Re: [CGUYS] Netbooks vs. Notebooks

My Eee PC is a 7" one, with the micro-mini keyboard that I thought  
wouldn't be a problem.  When I bought it, I don't think the store had  
any 10" ones in stock.

Later, I went to Micro Center on Rockville Pike to look for other  
netbooks with easier-to-use keyboards, but they didn't have anything  
in the price range of the Eee PC.  (In fact, there weren't any  
comparable machines for anywhere near the price or the weight of the  
Eee PC.)

If they had a slightly larger, non-Asus netbook, I might not have  
bought it, but I certainly would have tried it out for possible  
purchase at the store later.  (In general, if I try it out at the  
store, I buy it at the store.)

Mail-order is a possibility, of course, but after my mistake with the  
Eee PC child-size keyboard, I'd certainly want to know that the  
keyboard was significantly larger and/or easier to use.

So if there are any of those netbooks I've heard about with slightly  
larger keyboards, I'd certainly like to know about them.

--Constance Warner

On Sep 23, 2009, at 11:38 AM, Rev. Stewart Marshall wrote:

> Constance was that a 7" or a 10" one..
> I think most of the first Eee PC's were the smaller ones.
> the 10" ones seem to have a larger keyboard.
> Stewart
> At 10:28 AM 9/23/2009, you wrote:
>> Even people with smaller hands and slender fingers can have trouble
>> with the small netbook keyboards.  I bought an Asus Eee PC, hoping
>> for a portable word processor I could use on the subway or in a car
>> (as a passenger).  Learning how to use a keyboard built for hobbits
>> was much harder than I thought it would be.  I made a lot of errors
>> when my finger slipped off the tiny key I was intending to hit and
>> contacted an adjacent key instead.  Obviously, when you're using a
>> netbook on a Metrobus, a plug-in keyboard is not an option.
>> I have heard of netbooks with keyboards that are slightly larger--  
>> even a little closer to a standard keyboard would be a big help.
>> Recommendations, anyone?
>> --Constance Warner
> Rev. Stewart A. Marshall
> Prince of Peace
> Ozark, AL  SL 82
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