This site came up on the recomendations on gmail- <>.  It runs the video through a USB dongle and
claims to deal with copy protection.

I have one thing I doubt will every be released on a legitimate DVD but I
live in hope that Mike Jitlov's Wizard of Speed and Time will make the jump
to DVD.

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 1:22 PM, Tony B <> wrote:

> Back in the day there were lots of devices that promised to remove
> Macrovision; few actually worked well (if at all). I suppose you can
> always just film the screen.
> But if it's an older movie it may already be available for free on the
> internet. Or dirt cheap on DVD. What's the title?
> On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 1:03 PM, b_s-wilk <> wrote:
> > A friend asked if I could convert a few VHS tapes to DVD. I've done many,
> so
> > I said OK. One tape he gave me is a commercial movie--obscure, but one of
> > his favorites--and it's never been released as a DVD. It has Macrovision.
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John Duncan Yoyo

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