When you say, "The text disappeared" exactly what happened.  The .htm file 
still exits but is zero bytes?  the .htm file is gone altogether?  The text has 
been stripped out of the .htm file?  How long is the "period of time"?  A few 
minutes?  After one or more reboots?  After some discernable event?

Have you moved the saved file to a new location?  Be sure to move both the .htm 
file and the associated files folder together.  Better yet, under Tools, Folder 
Options, check the option to manage the pair (.htm file and files folder) as a 
single file.

I save web pages as "web page complete" (as you mention below) routinely from 
Mozilla, Seamonkey, and Firefox and it works just fine.  OTOH, there are other 
things in them that don't "work as advertised."

Fred Holmes

At 06:05 AM 10/12/2009, computerg...@att.net wrote:
>Thank you everyone who replied to my post a while back.  Briefly, I am trying 
>to save web pages in my computer, rather than print them out and have lots of 
>paper laying around.  Per the advice here,  I updated my Firefox to the latest 
>version and was able to save the complete pages using the format "Web page 
>complete."  After a period of time, all the text disappeared and  all that 
>remained were the images.   Any advice at this point?  I am using Windows 
>Vista but had the same problem before with XP.  Thanks for any replys, Bill.

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