Historically but times change.

Manufacturing will not stay where it becomes expensive.

It is labor intense.

If you can marry the labor force with the resources you will have manufacturing.

As times change and manufacturing changes you will see shifts in where manufacturing is located.

My wife is from Northern Ontario and it is a mining area, underground. That is labor intense, but you cannot move it as that is where the minerals are located.

Any town, state or country that becomes captivated by any type of income producing work, will one day find themselves abandoned when someone finds they can do it cheaper, better, or different somewhere else.

When America realizes that it lives in an international economy and needs to find new areas to generate income it will be able to survive.

By thew way money laundering is not one of those income producing areas.


At 10:18 PM 10/7/2009, you wrote:
And historically the best wages come from manufacturing jobs, not
agricultural or service sectors.

Unless you have outsourced the manufacturing:


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