But that's not going to happen. Not as long as we have Wall Marts out there. What is the one complaint most have against Macs? I even go to Wall Mart 4-5 times/year because certain name brand items and the only canned cat food my cat will eat is cheap there. However, I do believe some products can survive if they can keep the image of being the best. Examples would be SubZero refrigerators, Wolf stoves, Nikon cameras, and of course Macs.

Jeff Miles

Join my Mafia

On Oct 7, 2009, at 9:18 PM, Eric S. Sande wrote:

Any town, state or country that becomes captivated by any type of income producing work, will one day find themselves abandoned when someone finds they can do it cheaper, better, or different somewhere >else.

I agree generally but if it can be done better and differently, cheaper
doesn't matter.  That's why companies that are world class can
survive. Even with higher labor costs. I'll be honest, most high end audio companies don't even try to compete with mass production.

Most of them are small, private operations anyway.  People are willing
to pay more for the handcrafting, quality and support.

If some of these folks sell 1000 units a year they can be successful.

Sort of like buying a Randall knife, it only costs $350 but you have to wait five years to get it. If you want it now you'll pay $800. An
example of economics in action:  scarcity drives demand.  But only if
the product is noticeably superior.

America CAN'T compete in the "just acceptable" category.  Not and
pay good wages.  We CAN compete in the "best in class" category.

In my opinion that is where we need to be in manufacturing.

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