It matters not to me how it goes as there will never be a Microsoft store close to where I live.

Having said that I too see it as a loosing proposition as they are not a hardware company.

Secondly Ballmer is not a computer programmer or designer, he is a business guy. (read sales type)

These two things do not necessarily mix.

Finally to go after Apple/Mac is a stupid thing to do.

You do not compete directly against a Walmart. You find out what Walmart does not do and do it and do it right. (Walmart has gotten out of the Fabric Line in many places and also out of Automotive)

MS does a few things well. Some of their equipment is top notch, keyboard, mice video cams etc. Become a peripheral manufacturer besides your OS and Office software and stay away from Ipod clones and stuff like that.

Their Xboxes are neat machines in that they have struck up a relationship with Netfilx and you can stream movies from Netflix via an Xbox. (Buy a used one and hook it up to your TV)

My son-in-law has one and uses it as his DVD player plus game machine.

So I think the stores are a bad idea as they are the wrong thing for this kind of company. But what do you expect from a salesman?


At 07:44 PM 10/25/2009, you wrote:
Touting that windows 7 is dramatically simplified.  And this is the Apple
way?  So it would be better and smarter to tout that windows 7 dramatically
increases the complexity of operations?  Isn't this like complaining that
toyota is copying honda by mentioning better mileage? Personally I think
these stores are a horrible idea.  MS does not control the PC environment
it's choosing to serve the way Apple does.  No matter how hard they try, I
can't see this working even if MS wasn't incompetant in this area which I'm
thinking they are close to being.

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