Problem is you use vague terms.

What percentage of folks are having a problem?

50%, 25%, 1%?

Just because a few post that they have had a problem does not mean it is universal.

We have used percentages before when talking because that gives you a rough idea of those that post.

But then again only fanatics post usually (Look at this email list what percentage of members post?)

If I followed your logic I would have to conclude:

Kennedy was shot in a conspiracy.

9-11 was caused by the CIA

Pres. Obama is not a US Citizen as we have no proof of his live birth in the US State of Hawaii.

As Charlton Heston said in True Lies "you have no data men give me hard data."


At 11:32 AM 10/26/2009, you wrote:
That was in quotation marks. The words of a Windows fan boi posting on
a fan boi site.

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