On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 8:44 PM, mike <xha...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Touting that windows 7 is dramatically simplified.  And this is the Apple
> way?  So it would be better and smarter to tout that windows 7 dramatically
> increases the complexity of operations?

  The way I see it is this.  Macintosh computers have long been
recognized as being easier to use than machines that run under
Windows, and for presenting fewer operating problems to users.  Many,
perhaps even most users of Windows have made their switch to Macs for
this very reason.  Suddenly, and for what I think is the very first
time, Windows ads are now emphasizing simplicity of use, a claim that
Apple has staked as their own for a long, long time, and that
Microsoft has never bothered with.

  At least one of the current Windows 7 TV ads contains footage of
persons telling viewers that they want a computer that is easy to use.
 I take that to be in reference to previous versions of Windows.
Surely that could not be an oblique slam against Mac's, could it?
Nah.  That would be nonsensical.

  Naturally, I would not expect to see Microsoft  claim that their
newest version of Windows makes operations more complex, but neither
would I have ever imagined that they would seem to be admitting that
previous versions were too complex and complicated.

  Seems as though MS is attempting to establish their new OS as being
equivalent to the Mac OS almost as if they are playing catch-up, and
even going so far as to mimic the look and feel of Apple stores in
their own new retail outlets.

  Simp7icity.  That presentation of the word "simplicity,", with the
number 7 serving as an inverted L, is now one of their copyrighted
trademarks.  Microsoft seems to feel compelled to hammer home the
concept of simple to use.  I wonder why?


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