So far it seems to do that.

I have had it loaded since Friday night.

How many USB devices do you want at one time?

I usually have one or two plugged into my laptop plus a few more every now and then.

My desktop usually have at least 6 devices plugged in plus a hub.

To include, multiple printers, mouse keyboard, thumb drives, UPSbackup, external hard drive and other stuff now and then.

So far I have never had a real problem. A few years back I would get errors that they were drawing too much power, but I have not seen one of those in years.


At 09:24 PM 10/25/2009, you wrote:
"Simplifying" generally means "hiding the details from the user," which I don't like. What I want from Windows is for it to work as advertised. Never a blue screen of death. Never a driver that can't be found. Never an incorrect driver loaded. Drivers available for any/all peripherals. And, dare I say it, Multiple Master fonts available. The ability to really add a whole lot of USB and Firewire peripherals that all work on a single machine, etc.

Fred Holmes

At 08:03 PM 10/25/2009, wrote:
>  I have not been into a Microsoft store.  I have seen the first of
>those stores by way of numerous videos that are now circulating on the
>internet.  Word has it that these stores are going to all physically
>resemble the stores operated by Apple, and from the videos I have seen
>of the one on Scottsdale, this appears to be the case.  I also have
>taken note of the fact that Microsoft is heavily touting that Windows
>7 is going to dramatically SIMPLIFY operations and procedures under
>the Windows operating environment.  Again, this seems to be a copying
>of the Apple tradition.  Microsoft appears to want to mimic Apple as
>opposed to having a business model predicated upon differentiating
>itself from the major competition.
>  Steve

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