But have you seen modern cell coverage maps of the country? What part
are you in that you can't get your email anywhere you need it? Offline
access just isn't a factor any longer.

Have you seen how expensive cellular data plans are? Most people with mobile phones don't have them. Most people with notebook computers don't have them either. Doesn't matter what the coverage is, access cost is still extremely costly.

How about a US map with open WiFi coverage? Not much. Can't get email everywhere. Not a factor, though, if you just stay home. We don't. We travel.

Most of the country has little WiFi coverage, including here where I live, and the cellular coverage isn't much better. This is in Maryland. I'm sure it's much worse elsewhere in less populated areas. Carrying phones for 3 different providers there are many locations with no coverage, still. Does Kooskie, Idaho have good service yet?

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