Sue, we are in the same boat. Eudora 7 and Earthlink. I am using Earthlink 
webmail from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. And I use Eudora with a Brazilian e-mail 
Both work great form me. But let me say that I had to change this group to 
earthlink because for some reason the Brazilian Terra was skipping many 
I was in Baltimore recently and was in Earthlink web mail all the time... Terra 
also has a web mail:
For me this is fine!

-----Original Message-----
>From: Sue Cubic <>
>Sent: Nov 2, 2009 10:15 PM
>Subject: Re: [CGUYS] online storage
>At 09:51 AM 11/2/2009 -0500, you wrote:
>>Don't fall for this. The person claimed he needed to read his emails
>>when he wasn't online. I pointed out the fallacy involved. Namely,
>>that if he had a job that *really* required this, he could get cell
>>coverage over most of the country.
>>Of course, it turned out he really has no such need, and is just using
>>that as yet another excuse to cling to his old email app.
>You have no idea what his "needs" are.
>I don't travel into areas with no internet coverage very often, but 
>when I do, it can indeed be a "dead zone", with poor cell 
>coverage.  I certainly don't travel there often enough to  contract 
>for cell coverage at _any_ monthly rate!
>I think the good Rev lives in the midwest, which is where I have 
>family and go maybe a couple times per year.  There is NO ISP 
>available _at all_, unless you want to sign up with the local phone 
>co for a year-long contract, or even a monthly contract.  That is one 
>of the reasons I stick with Earthlink, who has an 800 dialup 
>available for an as-needed price, if all else fails.
>Why don't all of you just lay off those of us who have searched and 
>found the best solutions to our individual situations?  We're not 
>trying to convince you to change your way of doing things.  Just know 
>that you are not in "everyman's" situation.  Until you get outside of 
>your privileged environments, you cannot speak for every situation.
>I have available every hi-tek thing known to man when I'm at home, 
>but when I travel, it is entirely different.  Maybe it all depends on 
>where one travels?  BTW--cell coverage in my home area is very 
>spotty, due to the very hilly/treed terrain.  Within a 6 mile trip, I 
>regulary lose coverage at least twice.  I have NO cell reception at 
>my summer home.  I'm not complaining--wouldn't trade that place for 
>all the cell coverage in the world.  I've simply found a workaround 
>for the problems I encounter.  Your system wouldn't work for me.
>Sue--upstate NY
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