Apple is preventing them from taking advantage of Apple's investments in
iTunes and in Mac OS X by not making these investments work with
non-Apple products; phones and other products competing with Apple.  The
reason Apple spends money to develop and market them is to provide
advantages to Apple products.  For example, Apple has no products using
Atom processors and no plans to use them, so why would they make Mac OS
X work on them?  How could this not be clear?

Thank you,

Mark Snyder
-----Original Message-----

How is MSI making money off apple?  How is palm making money being able
sync to itunes?  How is Apple being ripped off?  The money Apple might
losing aren't even pennies, but they are taking potential customers and
going out of their way to make things hard to save those fractions of a

We aren't talking about Psystar, different subject.  They are directly
marketing and making money from what they are doing.  MSI, other netbook
manufacturers, Palm, these guys aren't trying to wedge their devices to
with Apple, they just do.

On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 10:29 AM, Snyder, Mark - IdM (IS) <> wrote:

> Apple is defending its brand and its infrastructure from the other
> companies trying to make money on Mac OS (psyster, mostly) and from
> iTunes - other phone vendors.  Apple made those investments and are
> trying to make sure competitors can't rip them off.
> Why do you expect Apple to share its investments with other companies?
> Why would they not want to have exclusive competitive advantage from
> their own investments?
> Thank you,
> Mark Snyder
> -----Original Message-----
> So Apple once again has 'fixed' iTunes so it will not work with palm
> at
> all.  Whom does this help or hurt?  It doesn't do a damn thing for
> paying
> apple customers...and for those who bought a pre, who may have
> considered a
> mac or ipod, they are now at odds with Apple over their purposely
> shutting
> off functionality.  I'm not talking about writing code that
> breaks things, Apple specifically went in and wrote in code to lock
> the
> pre.  Now they are rumored to be writing a 'fix' for the next release
> snow cat that refuses support for intel's atom cpu.  The reason?
> few
> dozen people who are putting OS X on netbooks is pissing Apple off.
> This
> fix does nothing for Apple's customers, and pisses off potential ones.
> I'm
> not saying Apple should purposely build in support for the pre or
> but
> when it's already there, why are they spending time and money to go
> and
> shut a very very small amount of people down?
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