Not surprised, completely missed the mark again.  Try again, Tom.  I suspect
you know what I'm talking about, I'm thinking you aren't that stupid, just
blowing more of your smoke screen so you don't have to actually say anything
of substance.

On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 11:05 AM, tjpa <> wrote:

> On Nov 3, 2009, at 5:49 AM, mike wrote:
>> You missed what I said.  I never stated I wanted Apple to invest money
>> making their product work on atom CPUs. They already do, so Apple is going
>> back to write code to break it.  With the massive profits,  why not go a
>> little down the pr road and just let those extremely few do it and try to
>> negate the control freak perception Apple has with the public?
> Why should Apple become shoddy and sloppy just to make Mike happy? They are
> control freaks because that what it takes to produce an outstanding product.
> That is the kind of company that I do want to do business with.
> iTunes is a key part of the iPod/iPhone infrastructure. It is the major
> reason that the iPod is better than Zune. It is a key part of Apple's
> competitive advantage. They spend a lot of dough making iTunes better and
> then give it away for free. Why should Apple let somebody else appropriate
> all their hard work?
> Why don't you be less of a control freak and let me have half of the money
> in your wallet? I deserve it.
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