On Sat, Nov 7, 2009 at 10:22 AM, John Emmerling <jpemmerl...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I decided to take a peek at Mr. Ihnatko's blog.  From the home page, it's
> apparent that his career depends on the continued success of the iPhone.
>  That discredits him sufficiently in my mind.

What he really liked the Droid.  That was nearly a glowing review.  He just
said he wasn't going to switch.

There is an iPhone ap lock in cost.  The more Aps you own the less likely
you are to move on,

> Furthermore, he can't write in proper English: "Ah: but my iPhone spends a
> lot of time in it’s car cradle. It’s my music player and my GPS."
>  Andy reads like he speaks.  It's a style.

Finally, he is clearly stupid as a rock, he completely misunderstands the
> Droid's ability to take photos of itself.
>  Does anyone really need a narsicistic phone?

John Duncan Yoyo

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