On Nov 7, 2009, at 5:02 PM, David K Watson wrote:
What kind of multitasking is it that you want to do on a small
handheld that is so crucial?  I don't have have an iPhone, but
I do have an iPod Touch, and I can surf the web or compose
an email, etc. while listening to music, and you can do more
than one thing at a time of this sort with the iPhone, too.

I'm not as advanced as you. I'm still using my Palm Tungsten. I use it heavily for all my daily scheduling and storing all the key information on my clients, work notes, and just about anything else that I need to recall. It only runs a single task, but it quickly switches from task to task. With no annoying delay it really does not matter if it is multitasking or not. "Multitasking" is just geek speak. How the device functions is what matters.

Can we have some examples to prove me wrong?

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