That is the kind of answer I've been looking for, that I haven't
seen at all anywhere else.  Whatever works for you, fine.  You
make a good case for your phone. (Was all that on your phone,
or was it at your computer and you are giving an example of
what you'd like your phone to do?)  However, do you know that
the Droid can do all that now or at least will be able to do that if the
right apps are made for it?  If so, then there is definitely a
place for it at the smartphone table.

On a side note, what are you, a hyperactive teenager?  You
sound like one seriously distracted dude, dude, if that is
representative of more than a tiny fraction of your day.
Live your life however you want, but I hope that you know
that there's lots of cognitive science which says that kind of
multitasking seriously impairs your critical thinking, memory
and mood.  Science also says that no one does multitasking
anywhere nearly as well as they think that they do.

From:    mike <>
Subject: Re: Moto droid by Andy ihnatko

In answer to your specific question, at the time I sent the last email where I said I want to be able to multitask, I was answering an email, on three IRC networks (talking in two channels actively), on IM with a friend in London and checking twitter for a search I'd done. If I'm on IRC on the iphone, I can't switch back and forth to IM without shutting down the other
app...I can't answer an email without shutting down other apps.
Disconnecting from IM and IRC every time I want to read an email would be tiresome, I've done it. I like my little cell phone world I can create on a phone I can multitask on, do I *need* it? Of course not. But combine that advantage on a network that is MUCH cheaper and I'm very satisfied with my
choice knowing I've lost some things and gained some things.

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