b_s-wilk wrote:
Verizon Doubles Early Termination Fee and More

Thursday November 12, @04:27PM

If you buy a smartphone through Verizon, be prepared for an increase in the early termination fee. Verizon is doubling the phone-subsidy to $350. What's more, Verizon also actively charges customers for accidental data transmissions of as little as 0.02kb. 'They configure phones to have multiple easily hit keystrokes to launch 'Get it now' or 'Mobile Web'-usually a single key like an arrow key. [...] The instant you call the function, they charge you the data fee. Even canceling these unintended requests as fast as possible using the End key doesn't matter; ANY data--even one kilobyte--is billed as 1MB. The damage is done.'


Verizon horror stories in this thread: http://mobile.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=1441822&cid=30080150


My old phone had the hiccups and accidentally sent 40+ text messages to the first person in my phone book. After I called her to apologize, I called T-Mobile. They said it looked like a mistake and deleted charges for those messages. Would Verizon, AT&T or Sprint give credit for a mistake?
This is another reason, why, when I move out west from the east coast, I am going to drop Verizon like a hot rock and, sign up with T-Mobile.


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