Retail is retail. Apples price is their retail. What does the market bear and who buys an Iphone at retail?

The tear down sites tell you their estimate! It is very difficult to get an actual cost basis as there are a lot of fungibles involved.

I just read an article that gave the cost basis (estimated) for the meal deals you see advertised.

Matter of fact Burger King franchisers are suing corporate as they feel they are being made to sell a product below their cost. (figuring in labor etc.)

The cost basis is probably close to a real manufacturing cot, but it still shows how much of a mark up there is.

The final arbiter is of course the real market. What will someone really pay for an item? Not one or two but the general public.


At 12:11 PM 11/13/2009, you wrote:

Apple will sell you a phone without a contract so that tells you the
real retail price. The Mac tear-down sites will give you an estimate
of the cost to build.

So much better when you are not posting distracted.

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