My old phone had the hiccups and accidentally sent 40+ text messages to the first person in my phone book. After I called her to apologize, I called T-Mobile. They said it looked like a mistake and deleted charges for those messages. Would Verizon, AT&T or Sprint give credit for a mistake?
This is another reason, why, when I move out west from the east coast, I am 
going to drop Verizon like a hot rock and, sign up with T-Mobile.

T-Mobile just offered to change my plan. I have the basic plan, ~$30/mo, 300 min. For the same price, I can have 500 min., no contract. When was the last time Verizon improved their plans without raising prices?

Does anyone know the real cost of these smart phones?  I realize dev costs
are in the initial price, but when phones have been out for some time like
the iPhone, costs are extremely low.  Consider also that a lot of these
phones come out in europe first so many times the money has already been
made back for creating the device.  As far as these term fees go, anyone
signing with a cell company knows what they are getting into, if they are
prepared to pay this kind of fee then so be it.  Verizon will either lose
business or not, and we'll see their next move.

I know exactly what these phones cost, since I don't want a contract. The smart phone I like is $280, and if it performs as well as my last Nokia phones, it's a much better deal than any contract phones. The price has come down from >$400 since it came out last winter, and I'll buy when it hits $250. My last phone cost $50 at an online auction, current phone is a free 'hand-me-up' from my son.

European contracts are much better than in the US. Many are 18-month, they offer more talk time, cheaper SMS, and many phones have built-in WiFi web or for Skype or calls on the provider's own WiFi network, included in the monthly fee. Several companies also include free broadband Internet for the length of the contract.

Most people in the US or anywhere don't read the fine print in the contracts, but that's no excuse for VZ changing the terms whenever they want to gouge more customers. VZ customers can't take their phones to another provider like those whose phones are on a GSM network.

Will phones on new LTE networks be easy to unlock and use with multiple providers?

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