On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Tony B <ton...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Okay, I think I see the 'new' take on it. Or, at least I see it from
> Wired's perspective.
> Around here it's got nothing to do with extra hours. It's construction
> jobs being lost to 'Mexicans' (anyone that speaks spanish). I've heard
> it from both sides though - the employers complain the local guys just
> won't show up on time consistently (or at all). I have no idea what
> sorts of extra hours these workers may put in, or if they're paid for
> them. But I can imagine they whine a lot less about extra work in
> general.

  I know a couple or so folks who have labor intensive businesses and
who say that they can seriously count on Hispanic workers to be more
punctual, honest and efficient than their native born counterparts.
These business owners are good to their employees and do not take
unfair advantage of them.

  By the way, the article in Wired made it clear, as is the case with
my brother, that the high number of extra hours worked by employees
who fear for their jobs if they do not work those extra hours, are not
being paid for the extra time.  These are salaried workers who did not
count on so many working hours when they accepted the job, yet now
find themselves having to give up so much of thier own time lest they
be replaced by someone else.

   I am reminded of those poor Walmart employees who were locked in
the stores, forced to work overtime for which they were not being
paid.  While that situation made headlines, similar things are taking
place daily, but are being overlooked because they are seen as being
completely voluntary in nature even though the threat of job loss is
the same if the employee does not acquiesce.


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