On Nov 24, 2009, at 11:11 AM, Tony B wrote:
Around here it's got nothing to do with extra hours. It's construction
jobs being lost to 'Mexicans' (anyone that speaks spanish). I've heard
it from both sides though - the employers complain the local guys just
won't show up on time consistently (or at all). I have no idea what
sorts of extra hours these workers may put in, or if they're paid for
them. But I can imagine they whine a lot less about extra work in

Of course the "won't show up" excuse is dishonest nonsense. These dishonest employers want to employ the "Mexicans" because they can pay them substandard wages, give them little or no benefits, and demand that they put in extra time off the clock. Sometimes they don't even pay the wages that are owed. To keep this on topic: a few years ago M$ was sued over their labor practices, not as bad as those in the construction industry, but plenty despicable.

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