Depends on the front.  HTC has put a lot of work into it's SenseUI, I use it
on the android phone I have and there is a version for windows phones.  On
WM it only goes so deep, so eventually you end up back at WM and some of the
screens in that OS haven't been changed for years.  Suddenly you are staring
at a screen that looks like WM 4.  On android it makes a big difference too,
it's very clean and easy to configure.  My phone has seven home screens
which can be customized in almost any way from full screen widgets to 1/8
sized screen widgets showing almost any kind of info, launching apps etc.
This IMO is another advantage over iphone which can show almost no info
without actually opening apps.

Verizon just got a version of the HTC hero on it's network, the eris, it's
like 100 bux and is a good strong phone.  Basically the same phone I have.
Verizon left that phone alone, I'm not sure if they disabled GPS like they
have in the past.  One of the reasons I didn't go with Verizon is the level
of control they pound into that phone, I've got a GPS chip, let me use it
without having to pay even MORE.

On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 4:03 PM, John Duncan Yoyo

> On Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 5:35 PM, mike <> wrote:
> > And me who has used a WM phone knows the load of bull that
> > part is.  MS is behind, way, way....WAY behind the mobile game.  Their
> > newest isn't any different than the last 4 years.  The only thing saving
> MS
> > at this point is being deeply in the market and companies like HTC
> building
> > front ends for them.
> >
> >
> > Are second party front ends a good thing?  Verizon seems to remove my
> favorite features that are on every other version of comparable phones from
> the same source.  The only reason I stick with them is better coverage.
> --
> John Duncan Yoyo
> -------------------------------o)
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